Raising Children With Special Needs: Sparsh - Discover Humanity
Sparsh NGO Discover Humanity - Empower Underprivileged Children

Monday 29 August 2011

Raising Children With Special Needs

Parents raising children with special needs face significant challenges from time to time. For some it may be equivalent to nightmare. The moment they discover that their child has a disability or a chronic illness, their immediate response surfaces in the form of sadness, irritation and confusion.  It takes a while for parents to accept the news. Their next biggest challenge is to cope up with demanding parenting tasks.

Generally, parenting is regarded as joyful, rewarding but exhausting experience. It becomes a double ordeal when you need to cater to the requirements of a special child. You face hardships like frequent trips to hospitals and pharmacies; your juggle visits to doctors and therapists etc. Along with that the parents need to learn to deal with their emotional highs and lows with regard to their child.

Create A Loving Environment

It is important to create safe and loving environment for the child where he feels secure and loved. Parents must at any circumstances avoid nagging, lecturing or bribing the child. Rather, they should motivate the child to make wise decision about food and medication. Also, families nurturing special children need to be resilient, flexible and open-minded.

Manage Your Stress Levels

It is natural that families raising children with disabilities often experience a higher stress levels. But, it is advisable for parents to keep a tab on their anxiety and anger as it may lead to negative impact on the child. You may seek help from counselors who can guide you appropriately. Parents need to help their child cope well with challenges, comply with medical requirements and live a hope-filled life.

Reach Out To The Community

The utmost fear what many parents feel is that they along with their child would be marginalized from the mainstream society. It is important to relieve yourself with this concern and try to reach out to the community.  Chances are, there may be some activities and support groups for children similar to your own, which will benefit you in huge way. Try and speak with other parents and see if you can sit down together. This will help you to provide essential information. By helping the community to know your kids you will create deeper understanding and acceptance for them.

Be Informed 

It is vital to be informed about your child disability or illness. Read as much as you can about it. Do extensive internet research about it and collect information about latest therapies and medication available. Several parents are successful in gleaning knowledge about their child's illness just by internet research. At times other families are a great resource.

Therefore, parents of children with special needs face gauntlet of added obstacles which can be resolved by proper guidance and counseling. It is therefore no secret that special needs children indeed need special parents!!


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