Sparsh - Discover Humanity: May 2012
Sparsh NGO Discover Humanity - Empower Underprivileged Children

Thursday 10 May 2012

Teaching Emotional Handling to Special Children

Certain ailments affect a child in a way that prohibits him from understanding emotions. At times all it takes is special tricks for training emotions in order to build emotional health in a child. Naturally like we have connection with our emotional selves, special children lack it and do not easily recognize emotions and feelings. They feel disconnected with their emotions, although they truly do feel it and but face difficulty expressing them. Further, it causes a rift between their ability to associate with others. In order to teach emotional handling, a caregiver or teacher can use strategies that are quick and easily modified.

  • Try and discuss about emotions and answer to questions of your child openly. However, always remember the developmental age of your child in mind and then take action.
  • To handle emotions of your child, first you need to have close talk with your child and try to understand and then encourage him to express what is happening with him/her and its reaction.
  • Develop positive outlook by providing him with lot of books.
  • Tell him to manage emotions by doing his favorite things like listening to soothing music, watching TV, exercising, or spending time with a pet.
  • Involving in some or the other activities (games, writing something, or doing other physical activity) and keeping him/herself busy can be helpful to alleviate emotions.
  • Reassure your child that everyone feels same and emotions are common for all. He just needs to learn how to cope up with them.
  • Share all your emotions in life with the child, when suitable.
  • Identification is important. Guide your child to recognize how he/she feels when emotional.
It is important to teach the child some cool-down technique such as taking a deep breath, counting numbers, remembering something good to stop getting worried and all.